Phase 1 - Foundational/Technical
Research of Nations history, cultural practices and traditions, agency relations, formation/ selection/ training of staff, Steering Committee and Elder Advisory selection and formation, Engagement of legal counsel and initial legislation planning with Committee and Elder Advisory, Community engagement sessions which includes a large conference, community sessions, information sharing through attendance at other community events
Phase 2 - Engagement/Evaluation
Ongoing activities from Phase 2, ongoing research of Nations history, cultural practices and traditions, assess and evaluate project activities, deliverables and milestones, increased community and stakeholder engagement sessions to gather input and recommendations from members, Committee/Elder Advisory monthly sessions to continue working on drafting legislation, Leadership Summit to report on project and provide information from stakeholders.
Phase 3 - Engagement/Drafting
Ongoing engagement activities from Phase 1 and 2, community sessions, assessment and evaluation of project deliverables and milestones, increase emphasis on writing and completing draft legislation, continued emphasis on informing Nation leadership and members on project, presentation of draft law to leadership and Nation Members, professional consultation to develop policies, procedures and service delivery models, development of Governance structure, agency/service provider, advocacy office, tribunal office, Training/cohort program, determine financial requirements to deliver services
Phase 4 - Ratification/Transition
Finalize of draft law, regulations, policy, and so on, send notice to government, coordination agreement discussions with federal and provincial government, planning and preparation for individual Nation and all Nation ratification activities/ceremonies, begin transition plan to implementation of the new law.
Phase 5 - Transition/Implementation
Ongoing implementation of KTC Family Law, establishment of agency/service provider, community Family Law committees, advocacy office, tribunal office, capital projects.